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Saturday, October 27, 2012


Luxum Light
Hear something new and be blessed.


At VOXPOSTS you will find richer (in sound and expression with an extra punch) blogs » 

The style of teaching is networking and synchronization.

The most logical book in the whole world is the Bible; provided that you allow the Holy Spirit to gather all fragments together. All gathered fragments, individually, point back to the oneness of God. See that oneness today.

In order to understand the message of the Bible one must use the gift of logic. The propensity for logical thinking is already in most people, but the gift itself comes from the Creator. God is Spirit, which means: He is not a man or a woman in a physical sense. He is genderless, simply because He does not have a physical body. However, anything physical, like genders, symbolizes procreation and fruitfulness. All species in the entire creation propagates its kind through sex, from birds, to mammals to fish. Therefore, anything living in a physical form only symbolizes, and even reflects to certain extent the Creator whose main objective must be procreation and protraction and never destruction or termination. Those are just the basics.

When you start reading the Bible, above anything else, you must grasp three aspects of: 
  • The spirit realm. Anything spiritual, which due to absence of time is instant. 
  • No fixed territory.
  • No darkness in which things can hide; hence, no secrets.
Everything else about God becomes plain and simple just as He always wanted.

LOGIC makes one »

Luxum Light / Author & Editor

As the waves of time roll onward into unknown and yet unexplored regions we can only write what the one-dimensional realm of no time and no space bouquets us with. Transferring timeless properties down to this realm takes an effort. A reader must be interested enough to absorb it. Drop me a coin. Appreciate it.


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