The other morning I woke up with a
smile on my face and joy in my heart. I knew that something new is being born
in me, something I have not considered yet.
the 1980’s and 90's I often stressed the importance of having a personal relationship
with God through HS fruits bearing. There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, and
there are nine fruits also. I emphasized fruits because of Matthew 7:21-23.
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’
Those that spoke of prophesying, casting out demons or performing miracles in the name of Jesus were used of God as hirelings. If Balaam’s donkey could speak with a legible voice then God can use anything and anyone. However, being used of God is very important TO God because of the activation of His attributes in us, which leads to fruitfulness. This in turn leads to sonship. All roads lead to the eventual buildup of a mature and rich in the fruits of the Holy Spirit person. That's the reason why ministry is so important; for the moment we become peacemakers we have then completely arrested our warlike ways. We become Godlike for then He would call us His sons.
Those who practice all sorts of lawlessness have not just committed sin, but keep on practicing it. In other words, one must have fallen in love with crime, immorality and sin and then such must be given over to his or her deprived mind in order to unabatedly practice evil, which is harm. Harm is one of the tentacles of death. If not stopped it will asphyxiate the doer and the victim. Sin is the way of pain. One cannot for too long be exposed to the way of pain for by its practice and propagation we destroy each other and our planet. The deadly evil tentacle keeps on gathering and drawing a victim to its horrendous jaws. It’s a gradual process. Many are so used to it that they do not even notice it. They harm themselves, their folk and others. They become as extensions of death, instruments of the inevitable, but the fact remains; the inevitable we cause to ourselves.
Those who practice all sorts of lawlessness have not just committed sin, but keep on practicing it. In other words, one must have fallen in love with crime, immorality and sin and then such must be given over to his or her deprived mind in order to unabatedly practice evil, which is harm. Harm is one of the tentacles of death. If not stopped it will asphyxiate the doer and the victim. Sin is the way of pain. One cannot for too long be exposed to the way of pain for by its practice and propagation we destroy each other and our planet. The deadly evil tentacle keeps on gathering and drawing a victim to its horrendous jaws. It’s a gradual process. Many are so used to it that they do not even notice it. They harm themselves, their folk and others. They become as extensions of death, instruments of the inevitable, but the fact remains; the inevitable we cause to ourselves.
fruit holds a seed and can be replanted. An apple holds a seed that can grow
another apple tree and as long as the tree is being cultivated it will produce
[Romans 11:24] For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree?
First God had to cultivate a people who represented the extremes of us all, upon whom God showed the maximum. Without the stiff neck and hardness of heart we would not know much about God’s everlasting love, His patience and living-kindness.

Enoch, who lived in the age of great depravity, chose to be a peacemaker
(Matthew 5:9); hence he became God’s son.
[1 John 5:19 KJV] And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
the NASB text adds the evil one
suggesting that the world lies in the power of the evil one not because of its
own doing, but rater because of Satan or the devil. Plainly said, in God’s eyes
the world is wicked. Period.
[1 John 5:19 NASB] We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
evil one, as he is so often described, has no power of his own, neither is he
fallen. That mentality pervaded the psyche of those who were just coming out
from the monotheistic impairment, which they got in Babylon Persia and Greece
(600 years). The original monotheism, of Abraham and Moses, had to pass a test.
Just as anything true must be proven through tests and even experiments. Hence,
we should not be surprised when we are being tested; for that is a sign that we
must be of the truth.
taking any responsibility for our development, physical, intellectual or
spiritual we would never know God, which brings us to the subject.
transmittal power lays in the exchange of the right information. When you transmit nonsense you activate confusion, and even bring mental sickness. By exchanging the message of peace, joy and love you bring God to the fore. I have
realized that when I minister God’s word I activate God in people.
He said in addition to loving God (the Spirit) we aught to love our next as ourselves. Why? –Because God resides in people; so don’t grieve Him; don’t hurt Him. The Spirit of Life is of the Creator; hence He resides in us. So, either we bring Him out of people, or bring out the absolute worst out of people, which is selfishness, intolerance, the superiority bug, which is pride, etc. Foolishness is of the earth and of the flesh. So, please don’t activate it. Wisdom is of God, spiritual grasp and the knowledge of truth.
one can bear the nine fruits by being all alone somewhere in a desert, for one
loves him or herself already, one is patient and kind with him or herself.
Those fruits manifest themselves only when we are in contact with others.
That’s the reason God said that it is not good that man should be alone.
Between husband and wife there are many opportunities to establish the nine
fruits of the Holy Spirit. By bearing the nine fruits we activate God in our
midst, we invoke Him; we bring Him to the fore, a place of preeminence.
Teaching, writing proclaiming God’s word sort of captivates people and makes
them think about God. This break in thinking just about our daily chores and
ourselves should be much more frequent than it is today.
[Matthew 5:43-45] You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
I preach the Gospel and it happens that my enemies are also listening I arrest
in them the proverbial devil and activate (the real) God. My enemy does not
have the time plot something against me. I activate God’s attributes (Exodus
34:6-7) through His word.
[John 7:45-47] The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, “Why did you not bring Him?” The officers answered, “Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks.” The Pharisees then answered them, “You have not also been led astray, have you?
The words of Jesus had activated God’s attributes even in those soldiers. How much more we should activate God’s attributes in each other? Each time we exchange the living and potent information of God, and that of His Kingdom; He is there in our midst.
We ought to be kind and gentle with each other, notwithstanding that we also ought to tell the truth, which brings us on the straight and narrow path and it is not always sweet. But after all bitterness is overcome and we are on the straight and narrow then we continue being busy building God’s Kingdom on earth.
Love is God. Peace is God. Compassion is God. Each time you minister these attributes you invoke God in you and those you speaks with. That’s why this kind of ministry is most important in our life. Each time we exchange these living properties we bring God; so don’t hurt God in others. Don’t abuse Him in others, for He is not there when any form of abuse surfaces whether through our language or behavior.
We ought to be kind and gentle with each other, notwithstanding that we also ought to tell the truth, which brings us on the straight and narrow path and it is not always sweet. But after all bitterness is overcome and we are on the straight and narrow then we continue being busy building God’s Kingdom on earth.
Love is God. Peace is God. Compassion is God. Each time you minister these attributes you invoke God in you and those you speaks with. That’s why this kind of ministry is most important in our life. Each time we exchange these living properties we bring God; so don’t hurt God in others. Don’t abuse Him in others, for He is not there when any form of abuse surfaces whether through our language or behavior.
Spirit is gentle and He only comes in that milieu or atmosphere. So create this
holy atmosphere and experience God.
God is love that casts out all fear. God represents kindness and compassion.
All other things of the opposite kind are alien to the God nature. Therefore by
addressing love in you I address God in you. By addressing compassion I awake
healing that perhaps stayed dormant in you for a long time.
not a theory or an idea. I have been examining what has happened in my life and
ministry; I have discovered that by ministering to people I bring out God the
Spirit, the Spirit of Life out of people; and those who permit me to do so also
draw God’s miraculous substance of healing to themselves in many forms. Yes.
It’s a big discovery for me. Like a child, in his simplicity, I examine things
that took place in my life and in my ministry. Now I know, why I must go on and
keep on activating God in people.
thing also happens. By activating God’s attributes and by presenting knowledge
about Him I also arrest any evilness; and also access divinity in people; for
indeed all people contain divine spirit of life. The more I do it the less evil
is permitted to wield the upper hand of influence.
an intercessor I hear people’s voices and their cries to God, the more intense the
cry is the louder it rings in my spirit. I have also noticed that I have been
answering people’s prayers. Also, when I actually did answer someone’s
prayer—by obeying the Lord—I discovered, sadly, that I was only a testing
instrument. By then those individuals found out of what material they are
really made. They proved to themselves, and to me also, but above all to God
who cared for them so much that in many instances He actually forced me to
minister to people I never wanted to. This is very hard to explain to anyone
who never felt God’s hand on you that weighs a ton. It is so overwhelming and
captivating that to disobey is not an option. This happened to me in Santa
Barbara California, in Haifa Israel, San Antonio Texas and in Jerusalem
regarding my ministry in Germany.
so many years of activating God in people I wonder if God will ever let me off
the hook. The reason I talk like that comes from an event that took place in
Warsaw Poland in 1977. I was visited by a band of angels about 5 o’clock in the
afternoon. I just walked into the room when I heard this awesome music like an
earthquake and mighty waterfalls. My room was filled with angelic beings. I saw
them physically and I was not in a trance of any kind. Anyway, by this
visitation God sealed a covenant with me. I became salve to God’s will.
[1 Corinthians 3:16-17] Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.
suicide is murder. Anyone who fell into those dark corridors of depression knew
nothing about God and His temple the human body. Anyone destroying the body
through chemical substances that inevitably cause sickness and death knows
nothing about the vivifying life divine within our bodies. Depravation of the
correct information leads to gross ignorance, so gross that and heavy that
inevitably brings destruction. It’s a sad state indeed.
[1 Corinthians 6:18-20] Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
more you share God with people the more He becomes preeminent and present.
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