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Monday, October 22, 2012

LET NOT your heart be troubled

Luxum Light

When I am convinced about something, like I am totally convinced 100% that Satan is not Lucifer and that he never fell nor he ever will and that God is completely ALL mighty and sovereign over all of His creation; and the numberless myriads of angels cannot be counted so the supposed 1/3 of them (fallen with Lucifer) makes no sense etc. This is 1000% +, even beyond certainty. It is that strong. It is His logic, freely given to anyone willing to go the extra mile. When His logic is accepted and nurtured it enfolds secrets of His wonders and one of them is this: God is not a man that he should lie. He is not a man that He should fight. He's not a man that He should even try to protect His territory or divine authority, He's not a man.

When His logic is being used over and over again it becomes increasingly stronger. Each time I use it His glory enfolds like a mots exquisite and glorious flower, which never fades but keeps on reveling its beauty. I received this logical clarity from both (Peh and Dabar, Rhema and Logos) - God’s direct revelation and the study of the Bible. Anyone can try to challenge it.

This discovery rouses in my soul fiery passion and zeal. Then, everything else in God’s word fits perfectly; and this gives even more joy, for then all doubts evaporate like boiled water. That’s why our soul has a fire that can bring water to a boil. Our thoughts are like fuel for that fire as we sort of bombard our soul with.


And He, (Holy Spirit) when He comes, will CONVICT the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8); this sort of conviction must lead to repentance especially the NAHAM, which cleanses our soul from all accumulated junk. But that conviction is only a start and it’s an absolute must in order to go any further in God.

Doubts are never thoughts, but rather feelings, which are rooted in anything negative. A person in physical pain has doubts – feeling. Hearing bad mouths (yup, yup, yup nonsense like that of an angry little dog) brings the emotion of doubt. Oppression brings doubt. The list is long. But what brings, or rather releases faith from its imprisonment, is the discovery of truth, which in turn creates healthy emotions and so on… Then, I worship Him with euphoria; I am ecstatic about my God.

The more I release those ecstatic emotions for Him the more power comes into my life. You have already experienced these elated states so you know, but there is so much more. 


Guarding against any loss of that glorious peace in our soul is what Jesus told us to do.

“LET NOT your heart be troubled neither LET IT not be fearful” (John 14:27) guarding His kind of peace in our souls, which is also a state, a feeling and an experience.

The choices we keep on making, which is in our mind (RATZON), must be determined and firm and in order to do that successfully we must add a strong emotion to it. That emotion—by then already pure and unmixed—blends with our rooted in truth thoughts and that’s indeed a powerhouse.  

Just as the Holy Spirit convicts first and then guides us into all truth the same Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of Truth. Paul spoke of being sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). In order to be sealed one must have a free soul.


So Jesus said, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32). Obviously those He spoke with were bound up for it was by their soul that they had tried to pick up stones and stone Jesus. Rational mind would not do that, would it? Jesus therefore “pushed the buttons” of their soul. Rather than rationalize with their clouded by religion minds He walked away.

Those who had believed in Jesus needed to CONTINUE in His word for only then a veil after veil could have been lifted.


When we speak of bondage it is never mental, but always emotional, which in turn has bound up straight and logical thinking. People feel strange resistance, but do not know why. Out of those feelings they conclude that you must be this or that, a Free Mason or the devil himself, because of PSYCHE (Greek word, which does not separate mind from soul); so some fears, some dislikes and strange oppositions arise from the soul. No matter how much you try to hammer down their soul’s sentiments, ultimately they themselves must examine their soul and then allow themselves to be liberated. So, it comes to a choice again.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor. 3:17).


Liberated from what? –Whatever religion put on us. In this case it was the previous religion of Corinth, Roman, Greek, Persian, Babylonian or perhaps Egyptian. The new and fresh , which comes now from the Holy Spirit never frees us from something ‘tomorrow’ but always from something of ‘yesterday.’ 

Abraham heard God and obeyed Him. Abraham was intelligent not emotional. He did not try to sacrifice Isaac his beloved son out of an emotion, did he? 


“If you are Abraham’s children, do the deeds of Abraham. “But as it is, you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do” (John 8:39-40).

Because of their reactions Jesus saw that they were Kenites because like Cain who had just received teaching from God about the difference between his mind and soul (RATZON and NEPHESH Gen. 4:7) went to Abel, spoke angry words and unloaded his soul’s frustration on his brother. 

Abraham’s line was from Seth (not Cain’s the first devil, murderer and liar) … now this is (emotionally) too much for people to bear today, for they would have to part with the “hate vent” (someone to blame), which is the mystical devil and then they would have to take responsibility for their own words and actions. So Abraham acted prudently and wisely, he even interceded for the wickedest city on earth. 

With our soul’s emotions we empower our thoughts and words. Our malicious emotions will eventually create bad thoughts and then these will push our tongue to say hateful things. But if we empower the peace emotions—by telling them what I know from God’s word—then my soul will have to obey. Then I rearrange my thoughts and then my tongue is ready to speak peace and even bless. Actually the more I am thankful the more I bless.


Thank you for blessing me in return. From the seed, which God planted in you by using me as His sower, you have grown a fruitful tree. You and I eat those delicious fruits of life and peace.  

Luxum Light / Author & Editor

As the waves of time roll onward into unknown and yet unexplored regions we can only write what the one-dimensional realm of no time and no space bouquets us with. Transferring timeless properties down to this realm takes an effort. A reader must be interested enough to absorb it. Drop me a coin. Appreciate it.


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