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Friday, November 16, 2012


Luxum Light

I had an out-of-body experience. It happened in Jerusalem in 1982 in a bomb shelter, which I converted into a study.  While praying, in total darkness, I took off and began to travel. I seemed like I was an infant just being born and was passing through the birth canal.  The further I went the more light I saw and suddenly I entered a room full of light and there I floated as being light-borne; while I was enjoying myself I noticed crystal gold-like shining steps and I followed them upwards.  On the right and my left I beheld angels swiftly passing me by.  I kept on climbing the steps and high above there were flashes of light with something resembling melted lava.  The light was absolutely exquisite and that of a blinding intensity so I could not see what was behind it, except closer to me I saw enormous feet in sandals and it appeared that this gigantic person was sitting on a throne; but his face and torso was totally immersed in light. 

To my right I saw a door and these angels with towels in hands were beckoning me to approach them; so  I did.  They took me in and I saw water flowing all over me.  I just had a bath.  One angel brought me a new garment and I was instantly clothed and then all angels left the room. I protested and I asked them to stay.  One of them turned to me and with a gentle smile said, "You do not understand, someone else is coming to visit you.” In that instance I understood.  While still alone in the room Jesus suddenly walked in.  I could not think of anyone else. That was so, it was a plain reality to me with no need of introduction or any explanation. One thing was not explained to me and that was the sight of those enormous feet. 

Jesus took me by the hand and gently said, "Come" and instantly we took off into the air hovering over endless grassy plains.  The grass was so green and perfect and we were just above it, flying.  

 No one ever can erase this from my memory and I want you to have it now so that the more excellent way would become clearer. 

We arrived at the place with different white buildings, trees, and a river.  First Jesus took me to some kind of a temple.  We stood at the door.  In the middle of the round building was a spring or a fountain gushing from the ground.  All around it long-bearded elderly men, in white garments, were watching the fountain as to guard it.  All of a sudden I was consumed with thirst and made a move forward for the water but Jesus grabbed me by my shoulder and said, "You cannot!"  "Why not, Lord?" I replied.  "You are not ready yet.  When you overcome, then you can drink of this fountain and the elders will welcome you then they will assist you in drinking of this spring."  Jesus then continued explaining to me that it is the water of life and he who drinks of it shall never die and that the elders are here to make sure that no one unworthy comes and drinks of this fountain. 

We moved out and came to an orchard. The trees looked humongous laden with fruits of enormous sizes. While we sat on the green grass I heard a sound like a bell ringing, and right before my very eyes a gorgeous fruit appeared on one of the trees. All fruit looked very similar to those we have here on earth except they were bigger, some shapes I have never seen before.

My appetite overtook me and I motioned forward to take me on toward those magnificently looking fruits, but then again Jesus's hand rested on my shoulder and He said, "You cannot, it is not yours!" 

"It is not mine?" I wondered.  

"Please explain to me, what am I doing here and what are these fruits?"  

 Jesus replied, "These fruits are the fruits of the Holy Spirit. When someone brings forth one on the earth we hear the sound here and their own fruit appears on one of the trees. The fruit is theirs and they will enjoy it for eternity."  

"Lord, show me my fruits!" I said it with anticipation of something really spectacular. Jesus's face was saddened and He replied, "There are none yet, that is why you must return and get busy. Just as you have seen, also your fruits will appear on these trees and they shall be yours for eternity. You are not only known by them down below, but most of all here." 

I was truly sad and ashamed. On one hand I wanted to remain, but on the other I felt the urgency to return. But the visit was not yet over.

We walked through this wonderful garden until we have reached the river. Oh, I wanted to swim. But, strangely also this time, I was not allowed.  I went down and the water was as pure oxygen or like some other life-giving substance. I descended rather than swam until the water totally covered me, but I could breathe quite normally and also see very clearly.  The deeper I went the more I could see. Then all of a sudden another building stood before me, I pushed the door open and stood at the entrance. Jesus was standing right next to me and then a beacon of light, like a comet, shot through the room with a high-pitched sound. The music was glorious. Then it suddenly broke into millions of rays of multiple colors and while they were still separating the most glorious harmony filled the chamber. I have never heard this kind of music or had seen such colors before. The comet-like rays kept crossing space back and forth separating into glorious multiple rainbows while in my heart an immense desire prodded me to step into the middle of this spectacle and be hit by some of those flying rays. 

As I made my move forward, Jesus's hand was again on my shoulder.

"You cannot yet." He gently said.  

"What are these rays and music, Lord?" 

"These are the manifestations of heavenly powers in a form of life-forces, on the earth known as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are indeed gifts granted to my chosen vessels to demonstrate My power on the earth and thus affect a harvest of souls. These are the spiritual gifts called garments or endowments. Gifts of art, ingenuity or of scientific discoveries are not shown here now. But these are supernatural forces effecting the lives of humans spiritually while the other gifts effect purely the physical and the realm of the human soul on earth."

"These supernatural gifts must be used only to demonstrate to My children the heavenly reality and their own spiritual composition while the other gifts and talents are meant to improve the quality of the physical life on earth. These supernatural gifts cannot be learned for they are gifts. The other gifts are buried in every soul and each must uncover them for the blessings of others. Those who earnestly sought my gifts and made themselves available to Me for service. That is greatly pleasing to Me, for the work of My kingdom is first indeed. Through the gifts I seek the lost to bring them in and make them as I Myself Am. For their sake I use anyone who makes himself available to Me for service and then I must use him, yet my vessels must first bring forth the fruits without which all that they do in My name is in vain to their account. The Holy Spirit must be permitted to work in both realms, the realm of gifts and the realm of fruits. Therefore cooperation between Him and you must be always exercised."

Here Jesus reminded me of Moses and Solomon, how they were endowed with the supernatural gifts they themselves brought no lasting fruit. "Moses did not repent for his disobedience after striking the rock instead of speaking to it, as God commanded. The water did flow, however, but for the sake of My sheep which I chose, but Moses himself did not let go of his life so he died without ever possessing the Promised Land. Solomon humbly asked for wisdom and he received the gift of wisdom, knowledge and understanding yet he never brought forth the FRUIT OF THESE THREE.  Therefore he died like an old fool following sensuality, which resulted in plain idolatry." 

"I grant My gifts always for the sake of those who hear My voice. And when I cease using a vessel I go after those who bring forth the fruit of My nature within them. Everyone who has heeded My vessel's message and bore fruits, with the help of My Spirit, shall sit with Me on My throne. And anyone who did not, it does not matter how greatly they were used; they shall still be judged on the basis of their fruit-bearing."

"What about me, Lord?" I said trembling.  

"Do not neglect your fruit-bearing and you will ensure your place beside Me and all gifts shall be manifested in your service while on the earth. Then you will be allowed to drink of this fountain and be endowed with power." 

I still had one question to ask, but the time to return had arrived. We slowly proceeded back to the orchard and I heard bells as that of hundreds of church bells as if sounding an alarm. It was glorious; it only whetted my appetite to be fruitful. 

 While I still mediated on all that took place I was lifted into the air and then hovered again over the grassy fields. Jesus then parted with me and I saw Him no more. 

I found myself in the "birthing canal" again and then on the floor of my study; stiff and cold.  It took a few minutes to return to reality and get my joins moving again. 

The question I wanted to ask is why would the Lord give such glorious gifts to some and they themselves then would perish like fools. As I still meditated on it all at once it became plain to me.  God does not use His vessels for the vessels' sake; He uses the vessels always for someone else.  Whoever is the nearest to the people God wants to touch; He will use; even the ungodly, even the unbeliever, for it is not because he or she is good that God uses them, but rather that God seeks to affect the lives of many more using a vessel. However, when the vessel He uses does not heed the message and does not bear any fruits of the Godly character then he or she brings no fruit and then be cut down like a fruitless tree.

In German (Deutsche Buch) 

Luxum Light / Author & Editor

As the waves of time roll onward into unknown and yet unexplored regions we can only write what the one-dimensional realm of no time and no space bouquets us with. Transferring timeless properties down to this realm takes an effort. A reader must be interested enough to absorb it. Drop me a coin. Appreciate it.


  1. thank you Joseph for the testimonial i was moved deep in my heart


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