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Friday, November 2, 2012


Luxum Light

The yet unknown peace of God can change your life, heal your wounds, restore your body and do miracles. This peace overpowers all wars, which disjoin and fragment.  

The truth makes you free from anything old, confusing and fragmented. Truth is never fragmented because the Truth is of the Holy Spirit who makes all things one, brings healing and restoration; and out of many fragments He makes things one again. This oneness bring healing to you, your loved ones and your community. It's time to start put aside the weapons of war and start healing people by making them free from their past.

Sickness is something disjointed, fragmented, of war, of death. Peace is oneness, health, prosperity and success in every area of your life. Do you know this peace? 

We usher in the Messianic Age during which time the former things will be no more and where all implements of war will be discarded and then the age of the perfect peace will rule our lives. We will learn war no more. Just as the Negro-Spiritual Gospel hymn says, "I'm going to lay down my burdens down by the river side... I'm going to study war no more." These longings for peace and true happiness are about to be realized. 

The Hebrew slaves were set free. War was no more. In this book the author presents the futility of all wars and how much God loves peace. So much that He counts all things in sevenths. Seven speaks of rest and peace. SHEVA (Hebrew) stands for number seven and SHEV speaks of sitting down and resting. The right information can save your life, prolong your days on earth and keep you in perfect peace, which surpasses all understanding.   

The African slaves knew no peace and still carry the old burdens of racial prejudices. The time has come to create something new. After oppression comes emancipation. God hates all forms of oppression because He is love. Embrace His ways and be healed today. Guaranteed!   

I have been involved in a healing ministry since I was 12 at which age God told me to fast (seven days) for a paralyzed lady. I obeyed and then touched the lady with just one finger and she was healed and walked about free. Ever since then I was in the business of physically healing people. However, healing is conditional so here I must reveal the secrets of divine healing. It all comes down to peace. 

It was appointed by God that Chandra Currelley should introduce each segment - an interview with Dr. Joseph Luxum - with a song (from her new album). 

The book "WAR IN A BOTTLE" is available all over the web where books are sold. 

Don't wait, buy one today and be changed forever! 

Here is the key to a life changing relationship with God and the key, which channels this healing peace.

Condition # 1: "Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you" (Luke 10:5-6). 

Condition # 2: "Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house." - That is a revival center (verse 7).

Condition # 3: "Heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you' (Verse 9).

When the first condition is satisfied peace enters, which carries its glorious heavenly properties. 
When the second condition is satisfied, the cleansing of an earthly and incompatible with the laws of God's kingdom mind then begins. 

Once this cleansing takes place a place for the miraculous is prepared.  

The third stage is most miraculous. This is what I was introducing during the 18 minutes on "Atlanta Live" TV show with Chandra Curelley, whom I did not know then. I had no clue who she was. Why she was there at the same time only God knows. But there is much more. Find out much more in the book.


Whatever we scarcely pay attention to, as being unattractive and not dramatic enough to grab our attention, God chose to astound the world.

First Corinthians 1:25 says, “The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”

This book deals with the supernatural nature of peace, which actually heals and restores.

More than ever before, the modern lifestyle robs us of peace; as a result, people seek an escape from stress. Some find it in chemical substances; others in time off, relaxation, or meditation. But there is a peace that surpasses human understanding.

Like walking firebombs, which are bottles filled with petrol ready to go off, some people go through life without any purpose. As the title of this book suggests, the bottle must be emptied of all flammable substances; for only then one will find the much-sought-after commodity, which is the healing and restoring power of peace.

Luxum Light / Author & Editor

As the waves of time roll onward into unknown and yet unexplored regions we can only write what the one-dimensional realm of no time and no space bouquets us with. Transferring timeless properties down to this realm takes an effort. A reader must be interested enough to absorb it. Drop me a coin. Appreciate it.


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